Photo: Beth H. currently appearing in a FRISCH'S Commercial.

Go to our website actingincolumbus.net for details.

Acting for TV Commercials - Introduction to Acting for the Camera - Sunday May 17, 2009 1:00pm -8:00pm $200

Learn how to audition for and break into the local commercial and industrial industry. You will learn how to make the first contact with the agents. By taking this class you have the opportunity to show the agents that you are serious about pursuing this type of work.

WEEKEND ACTING BOOT CAMP - Friday/Saturday/Sunday May 15-17, 2009 $275

Weekend Acting Boot Camp is designed for the beginner who want intensive training over a short period of time or the rusty actor who needs to get back on top of their game. Boot Camp will give you a strong foundation in acting techniques as well as a firm grasp of the nuts and bolts of scene work and audition skills.

ACTING ON FILM SCENE STUDY - Acting Fundamentals for stage and film Wednesdays beginning June 10, 2009 - August 5, 2009 7:00apm-9:30pm $200

This class offers a focused introduction to the acting process. Beginning actors work, stage, and shoot several film scenes during the eight-week session. We work in depth on concepts central to the actor's role development for film.

ADVANCED ACTING FOR FILM - Tuesdays beginning June 9, 2009 - August 4, 2009 7:00pm-9:30pm $200

Here is your opportunity to take on more challenging scenes. To work with people who are serious about the work. This is an on-going class designed to stretch your skills. Actors work, stage, and shoot several film scenes during the eight-week session. Scripts from soaps, sitcoms, dramatic TV and film are used.